Unlocking the
Unspoken Word

What's the most important hand gesture that would establish instant credibility and instill confidence?? ...

Silent Signals

  • Context

    This baby is exhibiting 3 non-verbal expressions that are part of 7 primary emotions. Adults will do this, too. Why is it important?

  • Congruency

    When is a smile - "just a smile"?? Answer: Never!! You might be surprised what this woman is really thinking. Hint: It's NOT good.

  • Clustering

    Is this a "good look" ??
    Answer: It depends if you are sending it or receiving it. And sometimes it might just backfire on you!

Understanding the World through Non-Verbal Communication:

  • What if you were to gain valuable insight toward understanding the following behaviors or in communications that your client was trying to conceal from you? Or, what if you had added insight on their preferred communication style?

  • Deception

    (They're lying to YOU)

  • Distrust

    (They don't trust or something you said)

  • They're Bored

    (Or they think you are wasting their time!)

  • They're Nervous

    (They are uncomfortable with you or what you said)

  • Subtle Gestures

    (Expressions of negativity, discord or interest)

NOW - what if you could project the RIGHT signals?

  • Confidence

  • Authority

  • Inclusiveness

  • Submissiveness

Here’s the rub:

In a business encounter, 60% to 80% of your communication is non-verbal. Unfortunately this aspect of non-verbal communication is at odds with conventional training programs that focus on the smallest slice of the pie; your verbal communication and poor attempts at “closing” word tracks that just sound like tired clichés! If relying on verbal communication alone and this were an exam, achieving 10% to 20% proficiency would earn a failing grade.

Are you ready to put the odds in your favor and become an “A” student?


Men? or Women? Have an advantage in non-verbal communications? (Which one - do you know?) In reading non-verbal communications, women are correct ?? (percent) of the time while men are correct ?? (percent) 

In just this one scenario, what would that mean if you’re a man selling or negotiating with a skill necessary for your success and you are wrong over 50% pf the time! How would you feel or react if you are a female client? Feel like you’re missing something? Let’s schedule a time to discuss.