Making the Connection

When sales appear good for you - your competitor might actually be outpacing you...

  • Observation

    Develop acute skills in observation. Gather lost or unrecognized critical information.

  • Identification

    What are the real pain points driving interest in your product? Identify opportunities to present your product.

  • Application

    Know which tool to apply and when.

  • Financial Services

  • Automobile

  • Manufacturing

  • Real Estate

  • Insurance

  • Medical Supply

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Industrial

  • Retail

How much does it cost you to drive a potential customer to the first point of contact? You already know some of your salespeople are more productive than others. Why not elevate the entire sales staff and stop wasting money on blown opportunities?

We utilize forward leaning techniques emphasizing the inverted triangle approach. You will learn more about congruency and rapport building than any other program with a significant distinction;

We don't tell you how - we SHOW you how.

Let’s work together.

Did you know a 5% improvement in sales productivity can yield nearly $200,000 annually in the average retail business? If you are questioning the cost of training, it’s not a question as to how much it cost - it’s how much has it cost you in lost productivity and revenue.